I have planned 2 fundraising bike rides over the next 2 weeks to reach my goal of raising $2500 towards Juvenile Diabetes. So far I've had a positive response on these events but have lacked funds coming in. Here are the details for both bike rides:
Saturday, March 6th - 9:30am - 5:00pm - Capilano Mall
Located in the North East corner of Cap Mall, I will have lots of Cyclebetes signage set up, promotions from local stores and support from family and friends riding along side me all day long. This ride will engage as many of my North Shore friends and raise community awareness for our September 4th community Cyclebetes bike ride!
Saturday, March 13th - 10:00am - 5:00pm - Speed Theory Bike Shop - Vancouver
Speed Theory has jumped on board as a huge supporter of my Cyclebetes ride. On the 13th I will be riding all day long inside their store with support from other avid cyclists. The goal for this ride is to bring in new customers to their shop and show off the great gear and people inside! For the past year, Speed Theory has helped me SO much with all sorts of biking needs so if I can get YOU into their store so they can do the same for you then it's a match well made!
It'd be great to hear back from you if you're able to make it to either ride. You're more than welcome to jump onto a bike and ride with me at either location and I encourrage that you do so.
For more details on the entire Cyclebetes event and to support me in any way, check out:
See you on the bikes!!
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