The monkeys at the Temple are fierce - loud, in-your-face and love to steal shiny things. I saw a woman get her water bottle taken right from her hand when she wasn't paying attention and the monkey simply sauntered off chirping away...! When Nic and I run up here it's tough to watch everything that goes on around you since there's just so many of them. Hopefully they don't jump out of a tree and latch onto one of our backs for a ride!

Only a few more... So I'm guessing the city was built for those no taller than 5'8. I'm a mere 6' even and walking through some of the alleyways and doorways the need to duck and cover comes into play. This was a shot of one of the very old buildings and I'm not joking when I say I'm almost a story tall! My head almost reaches the second floor window! Pretty cool being a giant out here... Dave... There's no way you would ever survive being 6'7 !!